Karl Godö

The adventures of Karl Godö who was a sailor and ships’s engineer during the WW2, hunted by the “wolf pack”, German submarines, when crossing the Atlantic Ocean on Norwegian cargo ships laden with essential cargo intended for the war against Nazi-Germany.

Became a castaway on the shores of Sierra Leone, when his ship, M/T “ALFRED OLSEN”, sunk by a submarine outside West Africa. At last, he ended up in South Africa 1946.


Based upon captain Warholm’s verbal report.

M/T ”ALFRED OLSEN” 1934, 8817 BRT, 5208 NRT. Owner: A/S Binta , Bergen.

In ballast from Preston to Aruba, M/T ”ALFRED OLSEN” left Port of Preston May 7th, 1941, destination Aruba. The ship sailed along a rout appointed by the British Naval Control.

Logbooks, ships manifests and personal belongings were lost with the ship.

Report based upon captain Warholm’s statement dated May 1941.

Friday May 9th, 1941, about 2130h ships time, a submarine attacked the ship. The submarine was observed on starboard quarter. The ship’s crew given order to clear the lifeboats in order to abandon ship. SOS signal including position 03-00N, 20-10W, telegraphed from the ship at 2132h. The submarine open fire towards the ship. Captain gave order to launch the lifeboats. Two of the lifeboats, one amidships on starboard and the other located aft.

(Presumably,  ”ALFRED OLSEN” was a so-called “two-island ship”)

The captain meant that two lifeboats were insufficient for the whole crew, gave order to the two lifeboats to cast off and started to clear the third lifeboat amidships on port with assistance from the

2nd -mate and a motorman. The third lifeboat was put into the water in order to distribute the crew over to the three lifeboats.

When captain’s lifeboat passed the stern of the ship, he recognized one of the lifeboats rowing away, called for attention, in wain. In the darkness, the lifeboats were separated and never saw each other.

(According to Karl Godö the motor driven lifeboat was set on fire during the attack)

At this time, by means of shells and gunfire from the submarine the ship was set on fire from bow to stern. The captain kept his boat nearby his ship for 6 hours with the hope of embarkation if the fire would die out. During that time the submarine showed up twice, on the last occasion she fire a shot over head which was understood to be a warning signal for them to get out of the way.

The actual time was about 0230h, 10th of May.

Through hole in the ships side, they recognized fire in the forecastle and engine room, amidships an inferno of flames.

The captain set sail eastward. At daybreak several violent explosions were observed, apparently from the engine room. The captain took it for granted that the explosion put an end to the ship.

The submarine was seen sailing SW with a high speed.

About noon on the 13th of May, the captain observed smoke at northward direction and deviated his course towards an oncoming ship. Later the lifeboat, observed from the ship, changed course towards it. The ship was SS” LACHENVY” of West Hartlepool. 1430h at position 4-56N, 19-15W, and the shipwrecked crew was on board the ship. The lifeboat was destroyed.

According to recorded positions the lifeboat had sailed a distance of 135 nautical miles in direction 032 degrees since they left” ALFRED OLSEN”.

Before noon on the 16th of May, the shipwrecked crew landed in Freetown. On arrival, Captain Warholm applied to the Naval Authorities with a request to send out a flying boat to search for the two other lifeboats.

The crew in the chief mate’s lifeboat landed on the shores of Sierra Leone on the 19th of May. The crew from the last lifeboat was picked up by Belgian SS” FEURENT MEEUS” and disembarked at Curacao on the 25th of May.

All hands from M/T ”ALFRED OLSEN” were rescued.

According to Karl Godö, who was in the chief mate’s lifeboat which landed on the shores of Sierra Leone, they took it for granted the captain and the rest of the crew were on board the other lifeboat which was picked up by the Belgian ship. After ca three days at sea, the two lifeboats lost contact which each other during a stormy night.

Along the southerly routs, usually merchant ships sailed alone because of lack of escort ships. Therefore, a group of German and Italian submarines were able to operate nearly undisturbed.

During May 1941, 30 ships were sunk.

MS  ”FERLANE” laden with 1583 tons of salt, 103 tons of iron constructions, 8 air crafts and 26 trucks, sailed from Manchester for Freetown 17th of April in convoy. Detached from the convoy 23rd of April in position 20W and proceeded southwards alone.

0825h in pos. 10-02N and 20-17W, calm weather and smooth sea, a torpedo from Italian submarine ”TAZZOLI”, under commander de Cossato, hit the ship. The rudder and stern were blown off. The engine room was set on fire; the engine crew managed to get out and stopped the main engine from deck. All four lifeboats were launched. The radio mast, which had been blown down, was rigged again, the radio operator managed to send emergency signal with necessary data about position etc. The trail from a second torpedo was observed ca 100 fathoms to the port, the lifeboats rowed away from the ship. The torpedo detonated in the engine room. A third torpedo hit amidships and broke the ship in half and she sunk with the bow first.

All crewmembers were saved and with the other lifeboats in tow, the motor driven lifeboat set course for Bissago Islands. After end of fuel, they had to set sail and landed on Carabella Island 11th of May.

The Portuguese representatives provided fuel, water and food and in good condition the lifeboats with its crew arrived Bissau in the evening on the 13th of May.

The emergency signal from MS ”FERLANE” was received by English cruiser, ”DORSETSHIRE”, but she was not in position to give assistance.

After sinking of MS  ”FERNLANE” the Italian submarine ”TAZZOLI” sailed southwards and in the evening on the 8th of May encountered MT  ”ALFRED OLSEN”.

According to detailed report from the German Submarine Archives at Cuxhaven-Altenbruch, the Italian submarine “TAZZOLI”, after sinking of MS “FERNLANE”, had just one torpedo left and was bound for the first available Nazi port in order to replenish stores and ammunition. Coincidently run into MT “ALFRED OLSEN, which triggered the hunting instinct of the sub commander.  

M/T  ”ALFRED OLSEN”, under command of captain Magnus Warholm, in pos. 02-59N – 20-26W, escaped a torpedo fired by ”TAZZOLI”, the last one the submarine had left after a month of cruise operation outside of West Africa. ”TAZZOLI” did not gave up, pursued the tanker for 48h (?) (24h) until she was in gunshot range. Over 100 shells were fired into the ship. All crewmembers managed to get away in three lifeboats.

Extracts from the German Submarine Archives in Cuxhafen-Altenbruch:

”Der NW Motortanker ALFRED OLSEN – 8817 BRT – wurde am 09.05.1941 um 2016 Uhr (deutscher Zeit) auf 02o59’N 20o26’W von italienischen Boot ”TAZZOLI”,  Kommandant Fecia di Cossato – versenkt”.

(Observe the discrepancies between latitudes and longitudes mentioned at the first section of the Maritime Report, 03-60N and 20-10W, and the statement given by Italian submarine commander Fecia di Cossato; 02-59N and 20-26W as the actual position were the sinking took place).

Those days, safety equipment on a ship was considered as a “necessary evil”. Lack of proper care or attention to contents in lifeboats such as emergency victuals and fresh water caused unnecessary suffering on crew, which had to abandon ship and endure many days in a lifeboat on high seas.

According to Karl Godö, in his lifeboat, one of the two fresh water tanks was empty because of rust holes. Emergency provision consisted of moulded biscuits. They managed to collect some rainwater during nights. He used to dip the moulded biscuits in seawater before eating. Sharks were trailing in the wake of the lifeboat during day time, during nights the sharks were pushing against the boat

When his lifeboat landed on the shores of Sierra Leone, the shipwrecked crew were taken into custody and put in the jails by the natives. They believe that they were German mercenaries. The jails consisted of mud huts full of crawling insects. A Swiss piassava grower, who took pity in the castaways, convinced the chieftain of the village that the crew were shipwrecked Norwegian sailors.

Through those in authority, it was decided that the crew had to be transferred to Freetown. They were marched through the jungle for several days. Provision consisted of life goats and chicken.

They ended up in a base camp outside of Freetown together with other shipwrecked sailors. According to those days English classification of crews and staff, the crew from “ALFRED OLSEN” were separated. One camp for officers and another for ordinary seamen.

From Freetown, they were sent to Canada. Before departure, they were issued khaki clothes Clad in khaki intended for the tropics, they suffered a lot sailing in the cold water of the North Atlantic. Many of them including Karl Godö became ill and were hospitalized upon arrival. Discharged from the hospital, Karl Godö had to put at sea again. Sailed in convoys between USA and England during the war, subjected to wearing and tearing caused by the ”wolf pack”, the German submarines, took its toll. A large percent of the ships tonnage sailing in convoys across the North Atlantic, loaded with essential cargo intended for the war against Nazi Germany, was sunk.

According to Karl Godö, every time he crossed the Atlantic, his ship placed on the flanks of the convoys, a vulnerable position and an easy target.

He was lucky after all, survived the ordeal and ended up in South Africa 1946.

For his service at sea during the Second World War, Karl Godö, awarded with the medal of honour from HM King Olav of Norway.

The aftermath – based on just a bit of conversation with Karl Godö:

1944, the Aliens managed to eliminate the threat from the German submarine, Europe was sufficiently stocked with “hardware” from USA, consequently reduced need of ships capacity on the North Atlantic trade. Due to lack of marine transport means at the South Pacific region, Karl Godö sailed southwards. Aimed at Cape of Good Hope. The first Port of Call was Cape Town. The ship which participated in the lethal North Atlantic during WW2, one of the first visiting the port of Cape Town, the Marine Authorities honoured the ship’s crew with a celebration party.

The next events about Karl Godö as a sailor took place at the region of Oceania, north of Australia and New Zealand. Compare with the nerve-shaking time on the North Atlantic WW2 trade, the South Pacific region, a pleasant life as a sailor.

Discharged at a North Australian port due to illness. He took the opportunity to learn about the Australian wilderness as well looking for future opportunities. After roaming the country for some months, memorising special events during his call of Cape Town, he “set sail” for South Africa.

Arriving South Africa, Cape Town, 1946, facing trouble from the South African Immigrating Authority regarding the visa and authorization of entry. Then the Norwegian Embassy came to his assistance. Based on the nature of Karl Godö’s visit to South Africa, family reason, Karl Godö was accepted as an immigrant. Karl Godö was not a “penny-less immigrant”. After nearly 6 years on duty at sea, continuously payment including war bonus on top, he was well off.

South African shipping companies employed Karl for some time. He participated as a chief engineer on a research vessel on a scientific expedition to Tristan da Cunha. After that, he started his own enter-prises. He undertook a big salvaging job of a fully loaded, grounded ship, based on “no cure – no pay”, (Universally known as Lloyd’s Open Form or LOF).  By means of portable motor driven water pumps, flushing away sand underneath the hull, thus floated the ship towards open sea.

Access to capital and technical skills, Karl Godö obtained a favourable outcome in South Africa. Bought two plots of land, build a beautiful house on the hillside, overlooking the port of Gordons Bay, located at the North East corner of False Bay. Those days, Gordons Bay was just a fishing village.

Today, a very attractive holiday resort with tall, luxury hotel, classified as False Bay Manhattan.

– $ –

Ovafor historien om min gode venn, Karl Godø – 1923 – 2006 – født i Tysnes, sør for Bergen.

Stiftet familie med sin Sylvia etter ankomst Sør-Afrika 1946. De fikk to barn, Roald og Songvei. Begge ble first innrullerte i Cape Town University. Men far, Karl Godö, flyttet dem over til Stellenbosch University. Han mente der var det strengere forhold, følgelig garanti for bedre resultat med tanke på utdanningen.

Roald har sitt eget industri-foretak i Windhoek, Namibia.

Songvei gift med Dr Paul Cluver. Paul Cluver utdannet som hjernekirurg. Praktiserte noen år i sitt egentlige yrke før all tid gikk til driften av «farmen» og som leder av Fruit Eksport Cromco.

Songvei leder av miljø-organisasjoner.

Cluver-familien eier et omfattende areal i Grabouw, ca. 70 km øst for Cape Town. I Cluver-familiens besittelse siden 1896. Opprinnelig gress-land for buskap. Beliggenhet ca. 400 m over havet. Meget fordelaktig for vin-industri derfor at vinrankene oppnår fullstendig hvile under vinterperioden med lav temperatur, en sjelden gang et par minus-grader og noe snø på fjelltoppene.

Paul Cluver Wine har oppnådd flere gullmedaljer for sitt vin.

Med hjelp av Karl Godø’s finansiering, utviklet til fruktfarm. Senere suksessiv omlegging til vin-produksjon.

Cluver-familien har «pløyd» ned hver eneste cent av inntekt fra eksport tilbake til Sør-Afrika. Oppgradert bosteder fra pionertiden til attraktive «chaleter» for turister.

Fast ansatte forsett med rekorderlige bosteder, fri el og vann. Etablert forskole for barn til ansatte. T o m en kirke inne på «farmen».

Under mitt siste besøk i S.A. 2015, observerte jeg at Paul Cluver hadde laget en sykkelsti i fjellsiden ovafor “farmen”. Gjennom ulendt terreng, brolegging  medels materiale fra vintønne-staver,

Gjort mye for utvikling av området. Avsett land for etablering av Thandi Wines, et foretak for engasjering av lokal befolkning. Basert på avling av grønnsaker, frukt og vinproduksjon. Også «Coffee-House»-virksomhet.

Cluver-familien «beæret» med berømmelse på sin tid fra president Thabo Mbeki.

Cluver-familien driver «High Class» restaurant-virksomhet på «Cluver-farmen». Absolutt verdt et besøk. Booking nødvendig.

Amfiteatret omgitt av enorme «Gum trees» (Australia), under sommer-sesongen, opptredende av lokale så vel internasjonale artister innom sang- og musikkbransjen.

Servering av grillmat og vin føre opptredende. Må oppleves!!


Source: Karl Godö



Above heading from an article in Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten with regards to Professor Jacob Jervell’s new translation of the Bible. Professor Jacob Jervell representing Teologisk Fakultet (Theological Faculty) which is run by The Established Church which has a more modern interpretation of the Bible as well religion. On the contrary, Meninghetsfakultetet (The Congregational Faculty) is very conservative and allow no deviation from the Bible. Same faculty has been in opposition towards female priests (priestesses) based upon biblical dogmas, according to the faculty’s interpretation, in simple words, the women shall keep their mouths shut in the church.

Professor Halvor Nordhaug was challenged as a spokesperson for The Congregational Faculty in order to give an answer to its view on the subject and take a settlement with the church’s dogmas about the Hell.

As expected, Professor Nordhaug refrains from answering.

But his brother official, Dr. Theol. Kjetil Grandal from the Theological Faculty took the challenge.

Professor Jacob Jervell had already solved the problem in his own way:

By keeping the Greek word Gehenna instead of translate and substitute it with the noun Hell.

Seen from Mr. Grandal’s point of view; The imagination about eternal torment as well an eventually perdition without pain, is incompatible to the Christian picture of God.

But there are more which are incompatible, even if one choose to refrain from the words by Jesus; That he shall return and condemn all of us non-believers to the ever lasting fire.

Still the problems of the evils remain.

How can the almighty and omniscient God allow the suffering in the world?

After two thousand years the theologian haven’t been able to discover a single possible answer!

Such entity greatness simply doesn’t exist.

He is almighty and omniscient, thus able to foresee natural disaster, i.e. an earthquake that will take the life of thousands, impose undescriptable suffering on children.

He is almighty so that he is able to prevent such catastrophe.

Does he do that? Is he good and noble?

In reality it is painful to witness the helplessness of the theologian attempts to find an answer.

It is of course of in vain to blame the Devil; the God could have stopped him.

That the mankind has the freedom to carry out evil acts is not an explanation, as above mention with regards to natural catastrophes of which no man can stop

Egil A Wyller, a humanist, refer to the great theologian Augustin’s question: If God doesn’t exist, where from comes the goodness?

It has to be a humanist to answer that question;

The matter of course, the goodness comes from the mankind itself, unfortunately so does the evil as well.

The man isn’t good or evil by nature; perhaps the good has to be extracted and developed by love.

In the whole, prominent theologian as well philosopher with common sense admits that the Hell is man made.

But the aftermath of Professor Jacob Jervell’s abolishment of Hell, caused an outcry from the more fundamentalist section of parishioners, they wanted the hell back into the Bible.

Even high up in the hiearchive on political level, the subject causes turmoil. Mrs. Valgerd Svarstad, MP and parliamentary leader of The Christian Democratic Party, insisted upon that the that Hell should be kept in the Bible, apparently in order to keep the country’s subjects in honourably severity.

According to Professor Jacob Jervel, despite deviation from the good, every human being is entitled access to The Heaven.

-Even all the whores in Brooklyn are accepted entry to The Heaven-, he said in a debate about the subject.

Does it means that even Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot had a free entry to The Heaven as well?

After the 2nd World War, Pope Pius the XII was criticised for not intervene when news arrived that Hitler and his helmsman were carried out a genocide of such a dimension that even surpassed Satan’s expectation, if he ever existed.

Many ask why didn’t God intervene?

Theologian and Christian fundamentalists have exercised “slalom” in the Bible’s texture in order to find an answer to the madness.

Believe me or not, some so-called Christians have indeed found an explanation in their Bible and accept the inscrutability of what the Almighty God is capable of.

But it is certain such terrible calamities, in its insanity, are man-made.

During the inquisitorial dark period of the Christianity, the servants of God, the priesthood, converted the Christianity to a bloodthirsty monster, literally feeding on human life and soul. Imposed undescriptable torture and suffering upon humanity. Down in the dark chambers of horror, a man made hell, the servants of God, the priesthood with knowledge to the human anatomy, created the most intricate torture equipment. Hundred thousands innocent men and women, most women, after been tortured in the most gruesome way, drowned or burnt alive on stakes.

Don’t forget the Crusaders. AD 1096 in Gretz of Germany, a messenger from His Holiness, the Pope, arrived with a declaration and determination for a

Holy War in order to redeem The Holy Land from the infidelities, the Muslims, to recapture Jerusalem for Jesus Christ.

The Jews refuse to participate in the campaign, which angered the people of Gretz. The mob runs amok, shouting;

-Kill the Jews, they crucified Jesus Christ-.

It ended in an indescribable genocide of the Jewish population of Gretz.

A trail of dead and devastation were left behind in the wake of the Crusaders, a medieval Christian army with no mercy upon the enemies of God Himself.

A remorseless bloodthirsty monster of destructive instinct, spread havoc by means of burning, torturing, raping and killing. Thousands were massacred on their bloodstained road towards Jerusalem, even Christians were killed because they were wearing different cloths from themselves or had beard or not wearing the blue cross.

In the aftermath you may speculate upon the ordeal in its insanity and the chief architects behind such engineering, the “holy father” and the hierarchy of the priesthood, the links between the Holy Ghost and ordinary people, a campaign which caused such suffering upon mankind beyond description.

Why didn’t the Almighty God intervene?

In its silliness, man created mentioned evil spirit and imposed undescriptable suffering upon mankind in order to satisfy the Holy Ghost.

Retrospective glance in historical terms, more people have perished in the name of Christianity than in all other religions combined. Even to day in our enlightened age an indescribable hatred between Catholics and Protestants occurs, in despite of mentioned religions comes from the same Christian root, three and branches. And not to forget religious pursuit.

The heaviest burden has been imposed upon the Judaism as for centuries the Jews have been utilised as scapegoats for any reasons.

Everyone is blissful in its faith. Even under bizarre taboo rules which indirectly hindering a believer a normal life.

No wonder that the Homo Sapiens, the modern man to day ask questions related to religion based on catechism textures.

Evidently, a modernisation of fundamental religions is necessary in order to correspond to the modern man and modern way of living.

Above article has created a yearlong debate among prominent theologian and glercymen back home in Norway if the Hell and the Almighty God and Creator ever exist.

The famous known physicist and philosopher, Stephen Hawking, a living legend of Einstein, has upset the priesthood and prominent theologian world wide when he insisting upon that the Universe has never been created, it has always been there and will last for ever.

Karl Marx: Religion is opium for the people.



Nordic Skiing > South Africa

Nordic Skiing or Cross Country, a type of skiing that requires no skill, compare with Alpine Skiing. Ski Jumping or Telemark Skiing.
That is why the Nordic Skiing is the most popular winter sport for ordinary people in Scandinavia. Besides, an endless, white nature to your disposal. On the countryside, you may don your skis on the doorstep. In Oslo, capital of Norway, thirty minutes by tramcar up to “Nordmarka”, located 500 m above sea level, the most fantastic wintry scenery. Forest with clearances, spotted with snow covered, frozen lakes and open fields. Hundreds of km with well, prepared ski tracks.
At competition either classic (traditional) or skating style is performed. Classic style – diagonal strides along a single track. Competition based on skating style takes place on a wide, flat surface ski track.
Skate skiing is the fastest way of skiing. In addition, ca. two or three minutes faster on a 10 km competition.
According to rules, if one takes more than three skating strides during a classic performance, disqualification.
Cross country skiing spans over 10 – 15 – 20 – 30 – 50 km. Skiathlon 15 km for ladies and 30 km for men. First, half leg classic, changing of skis, second half leg on skating style.
A competition performed both in way of mass start as well in individual start procedure. The longest competition usual in mass start.
Ski Sprint
Participants in ski sprint, ladies (L) and men (M), competition is limited to 30 athletes, which is settled by means of a prologue.
Quarter finale consists of five teams, 6 athletes on each team. No. 1 and 2 on each team direct qualified. After end, 10 competitors plus 2 with the best time, “Lucky Looser” makes 12 athletes for the semi finale.
Semi finale with two teams. No. 1 and no. 2 direct on each team qualified makes 4. Plus 2 additional with the best time, “Lucky Looser”, makes 6 competitors for the final – gold, silver or bronze medal.
Ski Sprint includes relay competition as well, two (2) athletes on each national team. Usual two sets of teams. No. 1 and no. 2 team direct qualified. Addition, 6 teams with the best time – “Lucky Looser” – makes 10 teams for the final. In consecutive order, Ladies semi finale, – Men semi finale. Then Ladies finale and Men finale.
Ski Marathon
Marcialonga, Italia – 70 km
2013: Moena –> Cavalese. Distance 69.38 km. Winner time: 3:13:20 h. Average Speed: 21.5 km/h.
Vasaloppet, Sweden – 90 km. commemorates the backup of the young nobleman, Gustav E Vasa, by Swedes on skis 1522. Last year 15 500 participants. Start in groups of 600.
Birkebeineren, Norway – 54 km. Birkebeiner – Birch legs – tree bark (birk) substituted stockings those days. Commemorates a trip by the Birkebeiner loyalists to save the infant pretender to the Norwegian throne, Haakon Haakonson, in 1206. All participants carry a backpack at least 3.5 kg, symbolizing the weight of the then-one-year-old king.
2007, the event was cancelled due to extremely high winds (90 km/h). Some of the 13 000 competitors already started, despite the efforts from official to call everyone back to start, 55 hard-nosed Norwegian eventually reached final destination & finish, Lillehammer – in vain. The race also cancelled winter 2014 due to strong winds.
Usual the competition in long distance cross-country is performed classic style. Midways a checkpoint, those who does not pass the dead line in time are deviated from the competition. By busses, those unfortunates are transported to final destination.
The most attractive long distance cross country events, the Holmenkollen 50 km. It is at the utmost conceit for a cross country skier in order to gain victory in the Holmenkollen 50 km. Participants, men only, from all over the world.
Usual mass start, every second year, classic or free style,
The first 50 km cross country events took place 1887 with 17 participants. 12 completed the events.
The first foreign participants, the Swedes, 1903.
After a 50 km cross country events, takes two-three weeks for an athlete in order to regain restitution. Therefor just one 50 km cross country event takes place per annum, excepts during events such as Winter Olympic and Winter World Championship.
Seen from the Norwegian point of view, the most attractive sport events. Thousands enduring the cold accommodation in the night in the Holmenkollen forest before the athletes start the self-torment agony in order to complete the 50 km distance.
The Oslo municipality is kind enough to arrange sanitary circumstances as well fire-wood.

Religion; Velsignelse eller…..


Her til lands har en frihet til å velge religion eller stå utenfor en religion om en vil. Så er ikke tilfelle andre steder i verden.
Verdens religioner av betydning har eksistert hundretalls år og har milliarder av tilhengere, men har aldri erkjent feil tross kritikk.

Om religion var noe som en kunne, drikke eller nyte intravenøst, ville det være illegalt – men faktum er at flere mennesker har mistet livet på grunn av overdose av religion enn misbruk av alkohol og narkotika tilsammen.
Verden rundt leggs ned et enormt arbeide til høye kostnader for å begrense handel med og narkotika med tanke på å begrense tap av menneskeliv.
Strenge straffer for håndtering av narkotika for å hindre at dette påføres mennesker en for tidlig død. I asiatiske land risikeres hengning. Men religion er kostnadsfri og derfor liten interesse, for ikke å si, en umulig oppgave fra styresmaktene å befatte seg med den slags dødbringende etikk.

Nylig var verden vitne til globale, voldsomme opptøyer som reaksjon på den danske publiseringen av Muhammad-karikaturen samt hentydning om at Islam var bygd på vold og trusler. Muslimer løp amok og hylte “blasfemi”, gjorde store, materiale skader og forlangte restriksjoner på fri pressefrihet, slå ned på forfattere og journalister som befattet seg med emnet. Dette ville ende i en slags “religiøs totalitærisme” redigert av muslimer. D v s at sanninger fra t.eks. Abu Ghraib-fengselet om mishandling av fanger aldri ville se dagens lys. Kunst, musikk samt litteratur ville tilsammen falle ned i avgrunn.

Etter å ha gjennomgått fascisme, nazisme og stalinisme, trues verden av en ny global totalitærisme, “Islamisme” – iht Irshad Manjis’s website (www.muslim-refusenik.com) .Det vi er vitner til er ikke et sammenstøt mellom sivilasjoner, ei heller antagonisme av Vest kontra Øst, uten en global kamp mellom demokrater og teokrater – (en slags regjering styrt av Gud).

Det var forventet med inngang i det 20nde århundre at menneskeheten skulle få mulighet å nyte av en universal humanisme. Det er tydelig at fanatiske religiøse ledere gjør at et ideelt universalt fellesskap er utopi. Hensikten med t.eks. kristendommen var at menneskeheten skulle forenes i et harmonisk fellesskap, i livet så vel etter døden.

Gjennom ulike naturprogrammer basert på antropologi, gjennom utgravninger konstatertes unormal stor dødelighet ved epoker etter begynnelsen av vår tidsregning.
Ende forklaringen var at det skjedde da kristendommen innførtes til de aktuelle områdene. Judaismen er vel den religion som lidt mest pga religionsforfølgelser. Kristendommen ligger til grunn for antisemittisme og dermed indirekte årsak til Holocaust. Pave Pius den XII har i ettertid blitt kritisert for ikke å ha intervenert da mistanke om folkemord av ufattelig dimensjon fant sted i Nazi-Tyskland.
I kristendommens navn har flere mennesker mistet livet enn i alle andre religioner tilsammen.

Korsfarerne på 1000-tallet, etter pavens ordre, hadde som mål å befri Jerusalem fra hedningene, muslimene.
Korstoget som hadde sin opprinnelse 1096 i Gretz i Tyskland, dannet underveis en brutal, middelalderlig armé, tilbakela et blodig spor av skjending og ødeleggelser, drepte tusentalls mennesker under sin vandring mot Jerusalem.
Under den mørkeste perioden i katolisismens historie, inkvisisjonen, da kristendommen ble konvertert til et blodtørstig monster, tok livet av hundretusentalls mennesker gjennom de mest grusomme metoder.

Kristendommen har hatt og har fremdeles negativ holdning til vitenskap og moderne utvikling. De finns mange eksempler på det. Konflikter mellom protestanter og katolikker i Nord-Irland har kostet tusenvis av liv. Katolikker ansees som andreklasses medborgere pga lav utdanning. Selv her til lands, iht nyhetsmedia, nekter fundamentalistiske kristne foreldre sine barn utdannelse i computeropplæring etter som den slags strider mot bibelens lære.

I dagens katolske land praktiserer fremdeles påtvunget valg av religion. I familier der en av foreldrene tilhører en annen religion enn katolisismen, besøkes av stedets “pater” som anmoder foreldre å la sine barn ledes inn i katolisismens folder, hvis ikke nekter han å gi sin velsignelse og truer avkommet de med “evig fortapelse”.
En kvinne som har født barn utenfor ekteskap, for å oppnå syndens forlatelse straffes med s.k. “avlat” så lenge hun lever, betaler til så før, rike og mektige katolske kirken.
Mange av disse “hellige agenter”, hver og en utsedd av paven til å fungere som en lenk mellom Gud og og vanlige mennesker, har påført katolske kirken skandaler, gjennom alvorlige kriminelle handlinger så som pedofil etc., har redusert fortroende for pavens lakeier som sjelesørgere.

Muslimene praktiserer en måte som kan karakterers som “innprenting” (Am.: Brain washing) av sine barn med hensikt at engang for alle forankre sitt avkom til Islam. Det er ingen tilfeldighet at de mest fanatiske muslimer kommer fra områder med høy analfabetisme.
Etter Tsunami-katastrofen i Syd Ost-Asien, gjennom nyhetsmedia leses at i fjerne områder nektet skadde mennesker å amputere alvorlig skadde lemmer derfor iht til bisarr muslimsk tro skal legemet være uskadd for å komme inn i Allahs paradis etter døden. Lemmer som gjennom skader ble utsatt for koldbrann, måtte amputeres for at individet skulle overleve. Gjennom amputasjon, 99 % sjanse for å overleve, hvis ikke, 99 % sjanse for å dø.

Under den mørke middelalderen forekom det lignende i den kristne religion basert på forbud mot s.k. viviseksjon.

Iht de s.k. muslimske sharialovene straffes “avfeldinger” med døden, med andre ord; dødsdom som følge av overgang fra Islam til en annen religion.

I alle religiøse tekster er Gud fremstilt som mann, i motsetning til antikke religioner der kvinnen vanligvis var ansett som guddommelig. I dag spiller kvinnen en uvesentlig rolle i verdens religioner. Iht Islam er kvinnens primære funksjon en underdanig fabrikk for produsering av barn og glorifisert kjøkkeninretning. Kvinnen må skjule sin kropp i metervis av tekstil og blir solgt som barn i arrangerte ekteskap. Der religiøs fundamentalisme råder, forbudt for kvinner å kjøre bil, sykle, studere, bruke make-up, kle seg i bukser, delta i sport eller vise seg offentlig uten nærvær av en mannlig nær slektning. De som ikke følger reglene blir utsatte for voldsomheter som leder til døden, ofte fra maker eller brødre.
En voldtatt kvine har brakt skam over sin famille og blir derfor tatt av dage gjennom steining.
Denne praksis får Apartheid-lovene til å se ut som en Human Rights Manifestasjon, men i Islam basert på et individs kjønn enn på rase.

Det er tydelig at Islam er i sterkt behov av reformasjon. Blant muslimer her til lands ingen forståelse for reformasjon.
Under en TV-debatt nylig angående problemer bundet til Islam, deltok muslimske studenter, med eller uten skjegg, samtlige var imot noen som helst reformasjon av Islam.
Foranledningen for den aktuelle TV-debatten var drapene på tre søstrer i en muslimsk familie. Ugjerningen utførtes av søstrenes eldre bror. Hvorfor blir kvinner alltid offer for s.k. æresdrap.
En yngre bror som var til stede ved det aktuelle tilfelle var ikke truet.
En ung muslimsk kvinne som deltok i nevnte debatt, stortingsrepresentant, ytret at om muslimske kvinner følger gitte regler, oppstår ingen problemer! Et eksempel på at noen muslimske kvinner som har oppnådd høy posisjon på samfunnets rangstige er fullstendig likegyldige for sine mindre heldige medsøstres livsvilkår.
En av de muslimske studentene hevdet at dette var et engangstilfelle og at folk flest legger for stor vekt på hendelsen.
En professor i antropologi som deltok i debatten hevdet at over 4000 mennesker i Pakistan mister livet i nevnte “enkelttilfeller” pga æresdrap hvert år, de fleste kvinner.

Forbud mot utdannelse av kvinner i muslimsk miljø er tydelig en patriarkalsk beslutning basert på ordtaket “kunnskap er makt”. Det finns mange eksempler på at kvinner med høy utdannelse har blitt en forbannelse for “de lærde” og som har ledet til forfølgelser og arrestasjoner fra patriarkalsk muslimsk hold.
En reformasjon foregår i det skjulte. Moderne muslimer som lever et normalt liv i et fritt samfunn tar avstand fra s.k. “sharialover” og foreldete livsvilkår, deres døtrer har en frihet jevnsides med sine vesterlandske ungdommer.

Dessverre forekommer det her til lands tilfeller der fundamentalistiske, muslimske foreldre sender sine barn til sine muslimske hjemland for å gjennomgå en oppfrisking i Islam og rensing fra vestlig forfall. Dette skjer sommertid under barns skoleferie.

Fanatiske muslimske ledere legger ned et enormt press på barn og ungdom gjennom en uavlatelig prosess, dag ut og dag inn, som går ut på pugging og innprenting av Koranens tekster.
Til sammenlikning forekom det tidligere den slags i norske skoler, pugging for å lære salmevers på rams
Formodligen ville eleven hatt bedre nytte av pugging av den store multiplikasjonstabellen.

Fanatiske muslimer opp maner til hellig krig mot de troløse og mot Vesten. En skremmende maktfaktor som har forandret verden. Etter 11. september, 2001, ble verden forandret. Reisende er påført ulidelige restriksjoner og får være med å betale for enorme kostnader for beskyttelse mot terrorisme. Muslimske terrorister har tatt livet av tusentalls mennesker i Allahs navn. Et sammensurium av Al-Qaida, Fatwa, Jihad, Hellig Krig, muslimske selvmordsbombere, blod og død har gjort verden farlig for alminnelige mennesker.
En meningsmåling i England viste at 33 % av muslimsk ungdom vill påføre dødsstraff for konvertering fra Islam. En meningsløs holdning som tydelig skyldes brain washing i ovenfor nevnte muslimske utklekningsanstalter.

-Alle muslimer er ikke terrorister, men den pinefulle sanningen er at nesten alle terrorister er muslimer.
(Abdel Rahman al-Rashed, http://www.arabnews.com/9-11 ).
Muslimske selvmordsbombere blir i ettertid opphøyet til glorverdige martyrer og får innpass til Allahs paradis som hedersgjester.

En tro som har grobunn i en ubeskrivelig enfoldighet og som oppmuntrer til meningsløse handlinger og ressurssløseri. Mange er med god grunn redde for at Islam har som mål å forvandle Europa til Eurabia. Alt dett pga religion.

Historisk sett har presteskap i ulike religioner lagt beslag på enorme menneskelige ressurser for å tilfredsstille sine guder gjennom handlinger, menneskeofringer, konstruksjoner av enorme guddommelige byggverk og monumenter. Rester og ruiner så vel intakte monumenter, dedisert ulike guder, står som bevis på et meningsløst ressurssløseri av ufattelig dimensjon. Det er bevist at kulturer så vel imperier har gått til grunne pga utarming gjennom vansinnig, religiøs fanatisme.

Verdens religioner har regulære symposier for å oppnå enighet for at ulike religioner kan praktiseres ved siden av hverandre. Sist for noen år siden i Cape Town, muslimene gjennomførte protestdemonstrasjoner mot møtet, ropte slagord; “Islam er den eneste sanne religion”.

På femtenhundretallet da det katolske prestehiarkiet forsøkte blåse liv i gamle fordommer som påførte menneskeheten ubeskrivelige lidelser, tok Martin Luther initiativet og med beslutsomhet gjennomførte den protestantiske reformasjon 1517, til tross for trussel fra “hans hellighet” i Rom, paven, om død, fordervelse og evig fortapelse.

Karl Marx: Religion er opium for folket.